14509 Brown Rd, Sabillasville, MD 21780
To learn more and to register: www.ymcacampwestmar.org, facebook.com/YMCACampWestMar
The YMCA of Frederick County operates beautiful Camp West Mar, a 72 acre Overnight and Day Camp in the foothills of the stunning Catoctin Mountains. While the American Legion owns the property, we are ecstatic to have the opportunity to host our summer camps in this incredible location.
YMCA Camp West Mar provides campers an amazing opportunity to both experience the rugged beauty of the Catoctin Mountains and have the exciting camp experience we all dreamed of as kids. Campers will have daily outdoor adventures and engage with each other and nature in events like archery, canoeing, hiking, and team challenges, and still have time to enjoy our sparkling swimming pool! Campers can choose to join us for daily activities only, or maximize the fun by sleeping in one of our comfy on site cabins for the week.